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首页 > 二中新闻 > 校园快讯

实践引领,企业研学深化课程内涵 ——二四六论坛资料英语学科基地组织学生赴马夸特公司开展研学活动

Weihai No. 2 High School recently organized a special field trip for 50 students to visit the German-funded enterprise Marquardt Group (Weihai), with the aim of deepening their understanding of the course "Understanding Contemporary China" through on-site visits and investigations. The students gained valuable insights into the company's production processes, management methods, innovative research and development, etc., which helped solidify their understanding of the course content and provided new perspectives for their future learning and development. The trip was part of the school's ongoing effort to integrate practical experiences into the curriculum and develop students' skills beyond the classroom.

The trip not only enhanced students' understanding of the course content but also fostered their ability to analyze and solve problems independently. Through active participation and hands-on experiences, students were able to develop their communication skills and innovation-driven mindsets. This experience also provided valuable insights into potential career paths and helped students identify areas of interest for future study and development.



